Niambi Inuka Sumbry Library and Technology Centre Donation Page

Unrestricted donations go 100% towards the building cost - supplies, construction, labor, fees and any other costs directly associated with the actual construction of the Library and Technology Center and or refurbishing the existing school property. No donation is too small.

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In addition to building the library and technology center, we are also refurbishing the desks for all the students and painting all the buildings and classrooms. Sponsoring even desk is big help.

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Sponsoring a library stack helps us ensure we will have quality shelves for books for the school and community. When you sponsor a stack, we add a plaque to the stack with the name of the person, company or entity you’re honoring.


We already have a large number of books we received from a school closing in Washington, DC last year however if you’d like to donate books or helps us sort and organize our books for our shipping party in preparation to ship the books to Ghana, click the link.


For may of us in the states, access to technology is not only expected, but its expected to be available 24/7 and working at optimal speed. For others, access to a computer, printer or to watch a documentary or movie on a big screen is a rarity. Help us build our technology center.


We’ve already secured a large number of educational text books and leisure books; and we’re still collecting books and computers. Help us ship our books and computers to Ghana.


Cash donations over $250 will receive a tax deductible letter after the end of the year by or before January 15, 2021 for the total amount donated. Please provide the letter to your tax preparer or accountant. Thank you for your donation.