Niambi Inuka Sumbry Library and Technology Center of Nyame Bekyre

During the 2019 Back2Africa Festival, The Adinkra Group made a commitment to build a Library and Technology Center in Nyame Bekyre, Ghana. Since then, we've completed the site survey, drawings, necessary meetings with the community and have submitted the plans for final approval from the Municipal Chief Executive at Akropong which is the governing district for the townships in the Akuapem region where Nyame Bekyre is located.

Niambi Inuka Sumbry

In 2017 our family and community experience a monumental and colossal loss when our younger sister, mother, daughter and friend to many was killed in a fatal car accident. As death often does, this caused an enormous pain, void and sense of loss in our family and community. We’ve learned leaning on time, faith and love that all things are in divine order. Niambi Inuka Sumbry was born on January 25, 1977. She was an avid reader who loved children/ young people and they loved her. She spent the majority of her life working with young people - many of whom the rest of the world had given up on and cast aside. We are erecting in this library and technology centre in her honor and memory to afford the many children who attend the Nyame Bekyre School and live the community - as well as young adults and adults - access to books and technology they might not otherwise have. Thank you in advance for your support.

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